
What is the future of energy prices?

A recent theme in the markets has been that of inflation and increasing energy prices. This has been due to several confluencing factors: However, in a recent talk on Thoughtful Money, Doomberg laid out the argument that there is abundant oil still remaining, and technology has allowed the use of Natural Gas Liquids (not to…Read More

a group of people standing next to each other

Incorrect Assumptions Of The Futurists

I started a talk from Jeff Booth on AI, I couldn’t keep watching, there were too many demonstrably false assumptions and things that are philosophically untrue for me to keep watching what he was saying. Here are a few based on the following video:

yellow and white plastic container

The Hybrid Fiat / Gold Standard

There are many arguments for and against a fiat standard vs a gold standard. The necessity of monetary expansion to support the large post-war baby-boomer generation is a strong argument in favor of the former. Though, others argue that we might not have had a great depression and WWII if we had not strayed from…Read More